You can make a difference. Everyone plays an important role in the lives of children. Help create a healthy community by supporting the children in your life, contributing items or funds to support the programs that are available, and volunteering your time and talents.



Your donation allows us to respond to the increasing problem of child abuse and neglect in Wisconsin. With your support we can provide quality family programming and education, as well as child maltreatment prevention services to children and families. Most contributions are tax deductible.

Make a Donation →


Parents Place Call for Presenters is open!

Please consider submitting a presentation proposal to offer parent and caregiver education opportunities.

Suggest a Presentation →


Parents Place relies on the generosity of individuals and corporations to give their time and talents to help serve families in need, either within our programming or special events. To inquire about volunteering, please fill out the volunteer application.

 Join Us in Helping Families →